Wednesday, September 28, 2011



*sigh* Sorry I haven't been posting (not that anybody reads this anyways but still...) I've had a lot of stuff going on in my life like...uhhh...well there was...I just didn't feel like it ok?


What's new in H!P? (or at least somewhat new?)

In Morning Musume:

  • Ai chan's graduation (T.T) is happening in about 53 hours (give or take a couple of hours)
  • Kono Chikyuu and Kare to have reached a whopping 53,347 copies on oricon and they haven't sold that much since Nanchatte Reina back in 09
  • 10 gen should be announced pretty soon (like tomorrow) and I think we can agree that everybody's pretty excited because there is so much talent and personality in this audition
  • Their 48th single has been announced. This one is more than likely gonna be "restart" kind of single with it being Gaki's first single as leader and the 10th gen's first single as...well Morning Musume...
In Berryz Koubou
  • Aa Yo ga Akeru so far is one of the worst selling singles as of right now...
(Sorry I don't have anything else...)

In C-ute:
  • "C fest fall 2011 C-nacchou no yo yume callabo live" has added new dates because of the demand
11/15 for Maimi*Nakky*Mai
11/17 for Airi*Chisa

In...For Mano Erina:
  • Uhhhh...I'll have to get back to you on that on
In S/mileage:
  • Tachiagirl came out today and was #3 in Oricon. Good job girls~
  • Saki's sudden graduation
  • Kosuga Fuyuka is taking a break from S/mileage because she has acute anemia and when she comes back she'll be in Hello Pro eggs til is fully recovered (CMIIW)
In "Other":
  • There will be a MoBeKiMaSu single called Busu ni Naranai Tetsugaku
  • And on top of that there will be a BerriKyuu single as well called Amazuppai Haru ni Sakurasaku
  • And the collaboration just doesn't stop there BerryiKyuu are also doing plays together...well sorta together they're split up in two groups and I'm to lazy right now to go hunt down the titles...
Morning Musume
Berryz Koubou
Mano Erina

I'll post a review for them later

Alrighty then that concludes my wall of text because I'm too lazy to do anything anymore

(hopefully this won't be the last time this year)
