Sunday, January 8, 2012


I think only because it's Gaki...I'll come out of hibernation a little bit early...ONLY because it's Gaki...

This little ball of energy and overractionness is leaving Morning Musume...

This sexy beast of a woman is...leaving Morning Musume...

This beloved angel forever in my heart as my number Musume...

I can't believe she's finally graduating...I don't know how to react to this...this is the first time my favorite has left...I don't feel like crying cause it's not like she died and I'm NEVER gonna see her again...but it's possible I'll never see her again...I just don't know but I hope she goes with a big bang I know she wasn't as popular as Ai chan but still she's the last Gokki and the last person from the golden age...that has to mean something right? Even if she doesn't have a solo song...a nice farewell photobook wouldn't hurt right? ;) Well anyways I hope she has a great graduation and she gets loads of lead parts when she goes off to study acting and she'll be happy with her decision I'll forever miss you Mame and I wish you the best :)

(oh and my new years resolution is to post more ^^; )